Trops Publishing presents

Trap Poems

& Lit Drawings

A book of Words and Poetry by David Aaron Greenberg

About Trops Publishing

Trops Publishing is the publishing house for the Trops Gallery, presenting cultural "art drops" as books, catalogs, and print editions.  

Trops Publishing

So Bad It's Good

Available Now

A new graphic novel by Nemo Librizzi, available now on the Trops


So Bad It's Good

This book is a graphic novel created based on a stage play written by Nemo Librizzi with a collage of elements generated by AI.

“This is the first episode of a three-part series based on a play I wrote. The Trops Publishing is launching a limited edition of 100 copies.” -Nemo Librizzi

About the author

Nemo Librizzi is a once graffiti artist who still spends spends his days with art, as well as "helping other artists with their projects and helping companies work with artists" too.

Nemo Librizzi

AUTHOR of "So Bad It's Good"

THE TROPS  2023 Colla Netrix, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

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